Category: Blog


Prepare for the colder months by thinking ahead!

Hello, summer! It’s great to have the sun shining (occasional) on us, keeping our houses relatively dry and warm. They say “A stitch in time saves nine”, and this is no truer than when it comes to preparing your home plumbing and heating for the winter. What’s more, our winters are somewhat unpredictable temperature-wise, leaving […]



Six simple Gas safety tips to keep your home happy

Say hello to 2017’s Gas Safety Week, designed to remind, inform and motivate everyone to stay gas safe in their homes! Recently we shared an article on Facebook, claiming that up to 12 million homes in the UK are without a carbon monoxide alarm – pretty ‘alarming’ stuff! In the name of safety and peace […]



Save water to save money: our six top tips

How lucky we are to be able to get clean, fresh, drinkable water at the twist of a handle? In so many places it’s not that simple. Conserving water not only helps you to cut back on your utility bills, but also helps to keep a vital resource. With small but regular changes, the question […]


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