
Save Money with Smart Heating Controls

2 minute read

As time passes and bills come in and out, it’s no wonder we can occasionally lose track of our usage and outgoings. This is especially the case when you are living in a full house. But have we found the answer to heating control and convenience? We think so!

Smart heating controls, such as Hive come in three elements – a wall thermostat, a device that communicates with your boiler, and another that communicates with your wireless router. And thanks to the simple three-part set up, you needn’t worry about having to update all your equipment just to be eligible for smart heating controls! It’s a quick, convenient and tidy process.

So what can you stand to gain from utilising Hive smart controls in your home?

Added Awareness

Life very often tends to fit the “out of sight, out of mind” principle, and the same can often be said for your thermostat. However, keeping an eye on your home temperature can keep you conscious of your energy usage, and in the driver’s seat. Through the Hive app, for instance, you can tweak the temperature to suit you – and can save significantly on your annual bill.

Added Control

With smart heating controls, you can get instant information about your energy uses, straight to your phone. Through smart heating controls, simply put the temperature up or down from the comfort of your sofa (and keep an eye on those pesky thermostat fiddlers!).

Added Convenience

Through use of popular smart heating control apps, you can also be controlling your home temperature no matter where you are. So if you’re commuting home to an empty house, or the temperature drops, you can pre-heat your house no matter where you are – saving you wearing your coat for 20 minutes when you first arrive home!

So, the real question is how much could your family save through smart heating controls? If you’d like to know more or discuss your needs with us, we’re all ears. Give us a ring on 01858 433 333, and chat to one of our team.